September 1, 2024

News 62


The FMP label was founded in September 1969 by  Jost Gebers and Peter Brötzmann . From 1972 to 1976, it was run by the collective of Brötzmann, Gebers, Peter Kowald , Detlef Schönenberg and Alexander von Schlippenbach . From 1976 onwards, Jost Gebers was solely responsible for FMP.

The label stopped releasing their own physical copies of recordings in 2010 but continued licensing through Corbett vs. Demspey and Trost (among others), as well as establishing a download platform, Destination:Out.

As per Jost Gebers’ wish, Anna Maria Ostendorf and Markus Müller continued FMP-Publishing. As of 2024 Markus Müller has the sole responsibility, supported by Anna Maria Ostendorf, Dieter Hahne, who worked for and was affiliated to FMP from 1975 till 2002, and Olaf Rupp, who is not only an FMP artist but also remastered the majority of FMP’s digital releases.

FMP is now moving back to Berlin and the next chapter in the history of FMP Publishing will begin in 2024.